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Get Involved

Donate to the Library Foundation

Donate to the Foundation

Building a stronger Louisville requires a library of resources.

The library offers a vast array of services to help every Louisvillian succeed. While services are always free, there is still a cost to provide them. It takes an entire community to ensure the Louisville Free Public Library has the resources it needs to help every citizen reach their full potential.
The Library Foundation opens doors for community members to engage with, advocate for, and dedicate time and treasure to the Louisville Free Public Library. The Foundation’s work impacts individuals and families across Louisville every day by bolstering community-wide literacy efforts for children and adults. Through collaborative partnerships and private donations, the Foundation funds essential LFPL programs, new books and materials, and supports capital projects.

The Library is for everyone. At the Library Foundation, we invite everyone to support it.

You can help create stronger libraries in Louisville in three simple ways.
Participate: One of the easiest ways to support your library is to use library services. Check out books and materials, attend library events and participate in programming.
Advocate: Vocal community support helps libraries by encouraging engagement with library services, sharing information and resources, and helping secure much-needed funding.
Donate: Private donations through the Library Foundation enable our library system to dream big and to pivot and innovate based on the needs that arise within our communities.

Donate to Library Foundation

Join the Friends of the Library

Advocate for Louisville Public Library

The Friends of the Louisville Free Public Library comprise a volunteer, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization of local citizens whose primary interest is promoting the welfare and growth of our libraries. Public libraries enrich our lives, provide valuable free resources, and equip us as citizens to grow. As a Friend of the LFPL, you can help the Library—and your community—thrive.

Here are some of the ways Friends support our libraries:

  • Raise funds to supplement programs and activities at the branches
  • Advocate for adequate library funding
  • Connect Friends members to one another
  • Share a love of books and reading for both education and entertainment

From book sales and donations to hosting special events and funding Library scholarships, the Friends of the LFPL play an integral part in empowering the Library’s mission and connecting the Library to the community.

Find out more about the Friends

Join the Friends of the Louisville Free Public Library Today

Volunteer Opportunities at the Library

Volunteer for Louisville Public Library

The Louisville Free Public Library welcomes the assistance of volunteers to support and extend the services of the library.

The use of volunteers varies at each library location based on the number of volunteers already working and the services provided. (See Branch Locations and Hours).

Volunteer Forms:

All volunteers must complete the respective form before starting:

If you have questions about volunteering at the Library, please call 574-1611 and ask to speak with the volunteer coordinator at your preferred location.