Homeschooling in Kentucky is a collection of links to several articles on external websites pertaining to the topics of beginning homeschooling, legal issues, curriculum, teaching methods, and suppliers of homeschooling products. This is an excellent resource for finding worksheets and other free teaching aids.
Kentucky Department of Education provides links to the state requirements for homeschooling, legalities of credits for homeschooling, and a page for frequently asked questions. There is also a link to the homeschool information packet provided by the Kentucky Home Education Association and the Christian Home Educators of Kentucky as well as sample worksheets for record keeping and a reading list.
Kentucky Homeschooling Information is run by a homeschooling parent in Kentucky. There are many helpful links to curriculum resources for reading, spelling, math, and prepared units created by other homeschooling parents. The site also lists field trip opportunities in Kentucky. It encourages registration for its fee-based membership; however, the links on the main page are free to access.
National Organizations
Homeschool Foundation is the charitable arm of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and is dedicated to bringing hope and tangible help to homeschoolers in need by providing assistance and related expenses to homeschooling families.
National Home Education Research Institute is a portal for homeschooling families to access research, fact-based information. There are research papers, videos/DVD's, factsheets, and books available for free, but accessing the articles requires a subscription.
General Sites
Homeschool Central has a "New Homeschoolers" link that is helpful for beginners. It also links to state resources that are critical to the homeschooler's particular area. It contains a very detailed list of links to many topics and subject areas. is a great blend for those considering homeschooling and those who are seasoned with advanced homeschoolers. It contains FAQs, free newsletters, community message boards, and hundreds of articles to browse.
Homeschool World is the official website of Practical Homeschooling Magazine. It has a very nice collection of free articles and testimonials, a shop to purchase materials, links to current homeschool events around the country, and community forums to exchange ideas.
Bookstores and Bargains for Homeschoolers
The Back Pack is an online store to purchase materials that are of interest to homeschoolers. It contains among others, Abeka and BJU, used textbooks, curriculum, and children's books.
Cathy Duffy/Grove Publishing includes resources, reviews of books, and articles that may be helpful to homeschoolers.
Free Worksheets requires registration to receive benefits. Becoming a member allows free access to downloadable basic worksheets, theme worksheets, books, and clipart. Also included is additional resources for free online teaching supplements.
Kentucky Area Support Groups
Bluegrass Homeschool Learning Cooperative is a secular group that offers educational opportunities and experiences for members. Non-members can join the Yahoo! group for support, discussions, news, and field trip information.
Christian Home-Educators of the Bluegrass is an incorporated group located in Lexington, Kentucky. A membership fee and a commitment to volunteer are required to join. Members are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Home For His Glory is a list for Christian homeschoolers in the Louisville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana areas. Members are encouraged to share homeschool ideas, questions, field trips, prayer requests, and discuss homeschooling issues.